Current Raffles
The 8th Annual John Fiore Foundation Surf & Turf Raffle

-The 8th Annual John Fiore Foundation Meat Raffle is not yet sold out but if you cannot attend, that's OK.
You can possibly win our Lifetime 65 quart Cooler filled with 30 Strip Steaks & 30 Lobster Tails
-Tickets are $10 each and are available
by clicking on the link below or via Venmo @johnfiorefoundation
The lucky winner will be drawn at the meat raffle on February 22th. (You don’t need to be present to win.)
-ALL PROCEEDS from the Surf & Turf raffle will benefit SABAH Inc in loving memory of Scott Fiore. -SABAH is dedicated to the mission of enriching the quality of life for individuals challenged by physical, cognitive,
and/or emotional disabilities by providing education and therapeutic recreation, promoting fitness
and developing social & communication skills.
Scott loved every minute of the many years he participated in this amazing program.